TransitCenter Blog - TransitCenter
December 16, 2020
Women Changing Transportation: The Conversations

The Women Changing Transportation program is pleased to present the second installment of videos from our conversation series.

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December 3, 2020
The Pandemic Hasn’t Stopped These Agencies From Moving Ahead with Affordable Housing Development

Despite the upheaval brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, Sound Transit and LA Metro are moving ahead with affordable housing commitments, and are on track to make thousands of homes priced below the market rate available over the next several years.  

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November 30, 2020
“Transit Is the Future” Forums: Coming Soon to a City Near You

This week and next, public transit riders groups, transit agencies, and transit worker unions are holding “Transit Is the Future” Forums across the country.

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November 24, 2020
Good Transit Policy Was Good Politics This Election Day

Even during a pandemic that has severely reduced transit ridership and created uncertainty about household budgets, voters on November 3 recognized the value of transit and decided to ramp up public investment in their local systems.

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October 26, 2020
Los Angeles Bus Riders Speak Out Against Metro’s Bus Service Cuts

Before COVID-19 struck, LA Metro seemed to be turning a corner on bus service with the ambitious network redesign known as NextGen. But the new budget plan signals a return to the days when Metro regularly overlooked the bus riders who make the vast majority of trips on its services.

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October 21, 2020
Say Hello to the New and Improved Transit Insights!

Last year we brought you Transit Insights, a visual tool to track changes in transit ridership, service hours, fares, and other important indicators of transit quality in American cities. We’ve just released a new version, with fresh data and features to make it even easier to explore transit trends.

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October 15, 2020
A Transit Agenda for the COVID-19 Emergency

In a new report, TransitCenter provides a roadmap for policy makers to navigate the COVID-19 crisis, safeguard transit workers and transit riders, and prepare transit to serve a critical role in the recovery.

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September 30, 2020
Stranded By Transit Cuts: What We’ll Lose Without More COVID Emergency Aid

Millions of people across the country are at risk of losing access to good transit as the COVID pandemic grinds on and imposes an unprecedented fiscal crisis on the nation’s transit agencies.

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September 17, 2020
Pick Up the Tempo: Lessons From Oakland’s 20-Year BRT Saga

American cities and transit agencies should review lengthy BRT projects with a critical eye, assess what went wrong, and adjust strategies in order to deliver better transit service without making riders wait year after year before they see the benefits.

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September 10, 2020
Women Changing Transportation: A Look Back at the Past Year

At the final convening of the first year of the Women Changing Transportation program we asked the members of the cohort to reflect on their year together, the current state and future of transportation, and their experiences as women working in the field.

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September 9, 2020
What Transit Agencies Get Wrong About Equity, and How to Get it Right

Transit equity goes far beyond quantitatively assessing how service is distributed, but that is the extent of most transit agencies’ equity work. This one-dimensional understanding has hampered the transit field from achieving equity — long before the tumult of 2020. 

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August 31, 2020
Responding to Calls for Police Reform, LA Metro Commits to a New Community-Based Approach to Safety

In June, LA Metro’s Board voted to approve a package of reforms to address how the agency conducts policing, emphasizing the need for a community-based approach to security and law enforcement. 

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