TransitCenter Blog - TransitCenter
March 19, 2020
How Transit Agencies Are Responding to the COVID-19 Public Health Threat

The COVID-19 pandemic presents a sudden, severe threat for transit agencies across the country. During this crisis, TransitCenter will be shifting our focus to the specific challenges posed by the virus.

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February 21, 2020
Making Transit Work for Parents and Caregivers: The Video!

Our latest video shows how simple, affordable, and straightforward changes could make transit a safe and viable option for parents.

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February 12, 2020
Should Transit Be Free? Part Two

Why not go fareless while also working to improve service? The reason is that the household costs imposed by the absence of good transit service stand out as the much more pressing problem to address. Transit in most U.S. cities is so infrequent and unreliable that major service improvements must be priority number one.

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January 31, 2020
All Ridership Is Super Local

Researchers at the MBTA have developed a model to examine how spatial, service, and demographic factors affect transit ridership at the neighborhood level.

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January 27, 2020
Welcome Mary Dailey, TransitCenter’s New Director of Advocacy!

Mary is a seasoned organizer whose campaign work for affordable housing, health care access, and economic justice has influenced policy at the local, state, and national levels.

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January 21, 2020
Derailed: How Nashville’s Ambitious Transit Plan Crashed at the Polls— And What Other Cities Can Learn From It

Our new report, “Derailed,” examines how Nashville's 2018 transit referendum was weakened by rushed, insular planning that produced a transportation package out of touch with the needs and desires of Nashville residents.

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January 15, 2020
Introducing High Frequency, TransitCenter’s New Podcast!

In our new podcast High Frequency, you’ll hear from the advocates, experts, and public officials working to improve American transit.

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December 20, 2019
Meet the Winners of TransitCenter’s First Annual Frequency Awards

TransitCenter’s year-end awards, The Frequencies, recognize outstanding work by transit agencies and city governments to improve transit service. This is the first year of the awards, which recognize achievements in eight categories.

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December 17, 2019
Transit Advocacy for the Win

TransitCenter's new report -- “Winning Transit” -- pulls together the experience of advocates throughout the country in a guide to running successful transit campaigns. We hope it will be a valuable resource for anyone involved in transit advocacy, whether they’re just starting out or already have some wins under their belt.

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December 12, 2019
Bus Lane in Bloom: Flower Street and the Urgency of Speeding Up LA Bus Service

Over the summer, LA transit riders caught a glimpse of what a more urgent approach to prioritizing bus service can do.

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December 4, 2019
The Network Effect: Richmond’s Transit Evolution

In Richmond, transit ridership has gone up by 17% following a bus network redesign and the debut of The Pulse, a center-running busway with all-day frequent service on the system's trunk route.

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November 21, 2019
Transit, Not Road Expansion, Is the Top Priority for Portland Metro’s New Rep From the Western Suburbs

The Portland region is changing -- and an “all of the above” approach to transportation spending may not win out in Portland's upcoming ballot measure.

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