TransitCenter Blog - TransitCenter
August 13, 2020
Facing a Cash Crunch, Will LA Metro Put Riders First?

When money is tight for transit agencies, the need to prioritize is even greater. For LA Metro, prioritizing what transit riders need would entail turning away from highway and rail projects in outlying areas, and toward investments that serve the many essential workers who continue to walk and rely on transit.

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August 6, 2020
Without Emergency Funding, Doomsday Cuts Threaten to Upend Transit Riders’ Lives

As federal funding from the CARES Act runs out, transit agencies are running up against bleak financial shortfalls, and will have to cut service to the bone without emergency assistance. We spoke with three transit riders about how the loss of service would affect them.

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August 5, 2020
After Initial Reforms Fall Short, SFBART Takes on Bolder Changes to Transit Policing and Safety

As protests across the nation call for an end to police violence and discrimination against Black people, the board of BART in the SF Bay Area is taking steps to overhaul the agency’s approach to public safety on transit.

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July 29, 2020
Transit Ridership Is Shifting Constantly During the Pandemic. Here’s How the MBTA Keeps Up.

The MBTA has developed a flexible approach to service provision tailored to the challenges posed by COVID-19.

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July 24, 2020
An Interview with Victor Calise, Disability Advocate and New MTA Board Member

TransitCenter spoke with Commissioner Calise, a daily subway rider who uses a wheelchair, about his priorities for his tenure on the MTA Board.

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July 21, 2020
In Boston, Real-Time Crowding Info Helps Bus Riders Plan Safer Trips

The MBTA now offers crowding information on 23 of its bus routes, enabling riders to make decisions about how to minimize risk as they travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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July 15, 2020
Mapping Route-By-Route Who’s Riding Transit During the Pandemic

To meet the needs of people who have been most affected by the pandemic, agencies should go beyond the initial transition to weekend schedules and adapt service in response to shifting travel patterns. 

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July 9, 2020
The CARES Act Came Up Short, Now Transit Agencies Are Running Out of Time

The $25 billion for transit in the CARES Act, which passed in March, bought agencies in major cities a few months. But CARES funding was not sufficient to address the scale of the transit crisis, nor was it targeted well.

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June 26, 2020
Beyond Mandates: Advocates Mobilize to Give Riders Masks

Advocates in Pittsburgh, San Francisco, and Durham, N.C. are distributing masks to riders, and using mask giveaways as an occasion to organize riders to demand better transit service. 

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June 23, 2020
Five Recommendations for Better Bus Service to Power a Fair Recovery in NYC

In a new report, the Bus Turnaround Coalition calls on Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio to advance an equitable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in New York City by making bus improvements a top priority.

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June 17, 2020
Estimated Financial Shortfalls of U.S. Transit Agencies Exceed HEROES Act Funding

While HEROES Act funding would significantly reduce anticipated shortfalls, it would still address less than a year’s worth of the expected deficit for many large and mid-sized transit agencies.

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June 11, 2020
Making Mask-Wearing on Board the Easy Choice

Universal mask-wearing on transit will be fundamental to managing COVID-19's spread. Portland’s TriMet and San Francisco’s BART provide an early look at how agencies are managing this shift.

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