TransitCenter Blog - TransitCenter
January 31, 2014
GTFS in the World

Following up on the GTFS for the Rest of Us convening in November 2013 that challenged the notion that fixed...

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January 29, 2014
Steeped in Transportation

There’s nothing like kicking off a new year with a seven days filled with transportation issues. That’s how I began...

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January 28, 2014
Governance Matters

Transportation professionals in the New York/New Jersey region have been shaking their heads in disgust over the past two months...

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January 8, 2014
Open Transportation Efforts in January

We’re participating in two exciting events in the coming days: If you know what it feels like to be left...

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January 2, 2014
The Arc of Progress Bends Towards Buses

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s appointment of Polly Trottenberg  as Transportation Commissioners is more than a top-notch choice....

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December 31, 2013
People Building Better Cities

There’s an important traveling exhibition making a stop at the Center for Architecture in NY until January 4, called People...

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November 25, 2013
Seeking Program Analyst

TransitCenter seeks a dynamic Program Analyst to join its staff of two in its New York office. The successful candidate...

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November 4, 2013
Transit Riders Should Have the Same Benefits as Drivers in the U.S. Tax Code

It’s beginning to become an annual tradition. Millions of Americans once again will see the monthly limit of their pre-tax...

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October 20, 2013
Multi-City Invitational Transit Innovation Championship

What does it take for large institutions to innovate? And when do they fail? That’s what we asked some of...

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October 17, 2013
Innovation also means making room for failures

To work for change is to also expect that there could be some failures. At least that’s what we believe...

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September 21, 2013
New Starts and Old Ways

Traveling from Santa Fe to Albuquerque is a study of intermodal contrasts, demonstrating both the promise and limitations of transit...

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August 11, 2013

August 7th, 2011 New York City Second anniversary of our bus ride, and we are still underway.

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