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September 15, 2016
Neither Panacea nor Poison

Cities and transit agencies can situate new services like Uber and car2go within broader urban transportation strategies to strengthen transit and reduce car dependence...

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July 25, 2016
Change at the Top

Less than a month ago, TransitCenter concluded the inaugural round of our transit agency board member training program, produced in partnership with the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.

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July 20, 2016
Fixing New York’s buses

New Yorkers take 2.5 million daily rides on MTA New York City Transit buses, but the busiest bus system in the country leaves a lot to be desired.

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July 12, 2016
What makes transit successful? Walkable neighborhoods and fast, frequent service

Fast, frequent transit that people can walk to is the key to increasing urban transit ridership. That’s the main conclusion of “Who's On Board 2016: What Today's Riders Teach Us About Transit That Works”...

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July 7, 2016
What the Paris Trams Can Teach U.S. Cities

Across the Atlantic, however, the Paris regional transit agency has embarked on a street-level rail expansion effort far surpassing that of any city here.

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June 28, 2016
L.A. Dispatch: How Cities Can Roll Back Sprawl

Across the country, cities designed for cars are grappling with how to build high-quality transit and create urban forms that support it.

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June 22, 2016
“Decisions Touching the Lives of All of Us”: The Plan That Changed Boston Forever

In 1970, Massachusetts Governor Francis W. Sargent took the unusual step of declaring a moratorium on highway construction inside Route 128, Boston's suburban beltway.

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June 16, 2016
Overflowing, Underfunded, Mishandled: A Tale of Three Subways

Why are the venerable subway systems in Boston, New York, and Washington in such dire condition?

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June 15, 2016
A Center for Transit

TransitCenter’s office is intended to be a gathering space—not just for us, but also for our allies in the transportation world in New York and elsewhere.

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