TransitCenter Blog - TransitCenter
February 15, 2019
We’re Hiring an Events and Programming Coordinator!

TransitCenter seeks an Events and Programs Coordinator in its New York City office.

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February 13, 2019
Who’s on Board? Riders Explain Why They’re Using Transit Less — And How to Win Them Back

Public officials can’t throw up their hands and claim there’s nothing they can do about falling transit ridership. Despite strong headwinds, they can win back riders.

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February 11, 2019
Gimme Shelter: San Antonio Takes Its Bus Stops From Sorry to Superb

Via, San Antonio's transit agency, has installed the most bus shelters in the shortest amount of time of any US city.

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February 5, 2019
What Fast Forward Means for New Yorkers — Less Time on the Train, More Time for Everything Else

How much time will New Yorkers save from the subway signal improvements in the MTA’s Fast Forward plan?

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February 1, 2019
Women Changing Transportation: The Mentorship Program

We're thrilled to announce our brand-new Women Changing Transit mentorship program!

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January 31, 2019

We're pleased to unveil Access2024, a map of the next 50 subway stations in New York City that should be made fully accessible under the MTA’s Fast Forward plan.

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January 28, 2019
Should Transit Be Free?

Fare-free transit has lately been floated as a panacea for solving any number of society’s ills. But is it the best end goal for advocates and policymakers?

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January 23, 2019
Billions for Transit is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Since 1980, residents of Los Angeles have voted four times to tax themselves to fund transportation projects, including rail lines that were supposed to transform LA into America’s next great transit city. But speculation about the impending liberation of LA from car dependence and congestion is premature, to say the least.

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January 17, 2019
TransitCenter is Hiring!

TransitCenter is seeking qualified candidates for a brand new Director of Advocacy position in its national office, based in New York City.

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January 17, 2019
Transit Data for Whomst?

TransitCenter is pleased to announced the release of the Open Transit Data Toolkit, a series of interactive lessons to teach people how to use open transit data.

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January 9, 2019
Why Decriminalize Fare Evasion?

An increasing number of agencies like San Francisco’s MTA, TriMet in Portland, and Seattle’s King County Metro are ushering a new paradigm by decriminalizing fare evasion and developing equitable fare enforcement strategies.

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January 4, 2019
This Bus Depot Saves Lives: How America’s Biggest Bus Operation is Contributing to Pedestrian Safety

TransitCenter attended a New York City Transit Vision Zero bus operator safety training to learn more about the tactics used to bring down pedestrian fatalities.

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