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October 24, 2016
A Conversation with Chicago’s Active Transportation Alliance

An interview with Ron Burke and Kyle Whitehead of Active Transportation Alliance, the walking, biking and transit advocacy organization in Chicagoland.

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October 21, 2016
Leicester’s Sir Peter Soulsby Leads the Way

Leicester Mayor Sir Peter Soulsby visited TransitCenter to discuss the role of bus transit in moving Leicester forward today.

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October 18, 2016
RideNOLA driving the transit policy debate in New Orleans

The average New Orleanian with a car can reach 89 percent of the region’s jobs in 30 minutes or less, but the average New Orleanian relying on transit can only reach 11 percent of those jobs in the same time period.

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October 13, 2016
MTA’s Elevators Going Nowhere, Slowly

For the majority of people that live 1 stop away near the Borough Hall station in Brooklyn, like I do, this would mean reaching the comforts of home in 15 minutes or less. As a person who uses a wheelchair, however, my daily commute is significantly less straightforward.

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October 13, 2016
TransitCenter Will Develop Measures of Success for New FTA Program

TransitCenter is proud to announce that it is developing the performance indicators that will be used to evaluate the 11 awardees of the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Program.

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October 10, 2016
Uniquely Positioned To Take The City Forward: A Conversation With Seattle City Council’s Rob Johnson

Rob serves as a Seattle’s first elected councilmember from the newly created Council District 4. He chairs the city’s land use, planning, and zoning committee, is the vice-chair of the transportation committee, and serves on the affordable housing and budget committee.

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October 6, 2016
NYC BusTurnaround Report Card

Together with Riders Alliance, the Straphangers Campaign, and the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, TransitCenter is convening a group of New Yorkers determined to reverse declining performance and ridership on the country’s busiest bus network by implementing proven solutions.

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October 4, 2016
Recent MTA Work on Buses Just Scratches the Surface

MTA responses to the July launch of the Turnaround: How to Fix NYC’s Buses report by a coalition of pro-transit groups asserted that “many of the recommendations in the report are actions the MTA is already taking.”

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September 21, 2016
New Transit Streetfilm: Time to Turn NYC Buses Around

New Yorkers take 2.5 million rides on the city’s buses every day. While NYC’s buses provide essential transit, especially in areas beyond the reach of the subway, they are among the nation’s slowest and least reliable.

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