Trick Out My Trip with ioby - TransitCenter
Work We Do
October 12, 2015
Trick Out My Trip with ioby


In 2015, TransitCenter partnered with ioby (it stands for In Our Backyard, an organization that is the counterweight to the prevailing Not In My Backyardism that tends to oppose local change) to encourage communities around the country to submit ideas for improving their transit experience and strengthen the relationship between communities and their transit agencies.

Learn more about about each campaign in ioby’s Trick Out my Trip Report.

TransitCenter provided matching funding to 10 community campaigns from across the country whose citizen leaders raised over $53,000. And with all community groups reported improved relationships with their transit agencies and greater transparency in planning as a result of projects.

ioby Clip

Interested in your own campaign? Check back here for more information and in the meantime, get inspired by our promotional video below.

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