We’re back with our long-awaited follow up to the M5 Break-Up Chronicles!
Queue jumps are among the solutions our Bus Turnaround Coalition has proposed for speeding up New York City’s buses. Queue jump lanes prioritize moving greater numbers of people through intersections by putting buses ahead of single occupancy vehicle traffic. Applied thoughtfully, queue jumps can improve travel times and reduce delays.
The New York City Department of Transportation recently installed one at the intersection of 97th St. and 5th Avenue, and so we wanted to celebrate!

The experience of being a WMATA rider has substantially improved over the last 18 months, thanks to changes the agency has made like adding off-peak service and simplifying fares. Things are about to get even better with the launch of all-door boarding later this fall, overnight bus service on some lines starting in December, and an ambitious plan to redesign the Metrobus network. But all of this could go away by July 1, 2024.
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Thanks to Riders' Alliance successful #6MinuteService campaign, New York City subway riders will enjoy more frequent service on nights and weekends, starting this summer. In this post, we chronicle the group's winning strategies and tactics.
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