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July 8, 2019
Cincinnati’s Better Bus Coalition Gets Results!

If there's one indispensable ingredient for winning better transit service in American cities, it's committed grassroots advocacy. To see what a difference effective transit advocates can make, look to Cincinnati and the Better Bus Coalition.

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July 3, 2019
The Future of Transit Isn’t a $5 Discount on Uber Trips

In 2016, the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA), an agency outside Tampa that serves about 32,000 daily trips, became the first public transit agency to replace bus routes with subsidized Uber service. Three years later, the results are in.

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June 13, 2019
DC Bus Lanes to the Rescue

This summer, DDOT is testing out a new approach to quickly implement bus priority treatments at low cost.

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June 11, 2019
Opening the Gateway to Better, More Affordable Regional Transit in Boston

New research shows that through fare policy, the MBTA can open up opportunities for residents in struggling neighborhoods.

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June 6, 2019
Nashville Emerges From the Transit Ashes

A year after Nashville voters sided against a multi-billion dollar transit plan, a new coalition is reviving the transit conversation.

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May 30, 2019
Coming Soon: Great Stories About Women Changing Transportation

Last month, TransitCenter convened a meeting of 34 women working in transportation across the country. Hailing from 16 cities, they converged in Austin for two days of bonding and sharing ideas.

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May 20, 2019
Wanted: A Mandate to Put Transit Riders First at the SFMTA

SF Mayor London Breed promised to win back the public’s trust in Muni. To do so, she'll need to empower the next SFMTA chief to put transit riders first.

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May 15, 2019
Accept No Substitutes for Full Trip Data From Uber and Lyft

Uber's new Movement platform is no substitute for the full data cities have been asking for.  

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May 6, 2019
Mapping the Pressure Points for Transit Agency Reform

Reinvent Albany has produced a guide that plots out the executive structure, oversight mechanisms, and transparency practices for the nation's largest transit agency.

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