What we do, and why we do it.
We believe that targeted research and effective grassroots advocacy can persuade leaders to make better choices that center both climate and justice outcomes in transportation.
TransitCenter makes grants to 501c3 organizations working to build community power, run state and local change campaigns, and produce research that aligns with our three strategy areas across the United States. While we do not have a geographic focus, we prioritize organizations working where those change efforts could provide a replicable model in other states and regions.
We do not make grants to work on active legislation, or for one-off events .
To build more political will for reform, TransitCenter staff play an essential role alongside grantees, developing strategies, brokering relationships. and providing hands-on campaign assistance and research that help to make the case for how transit expansion produces a more just, connected and sustainable society.
Our work is organized into three areas of focus:
Fostering institutional change