Every Fourth Car Disappeared: Stockholm’s Congestion Pricing Success Story
Link to archived livestream of the event.
Congestion pricing is back on the table in New York City. With the NYC subway in a state of emergency, bus ridership plunging and traffic levels worsening each year, New York needs to find new funding for transit and policies to better manage its streets.
As New York ultimately failed to implement congestion pricing, Stockholm forged ahead. After pricing’s implementation in 2007, Stockholm saw traffic fall, transit usage increase, and environmental gains. Importantly, these benefits have stood the test of time.
Join TransitCenter and Jonas Eliasson, Stockholm’s Director of Transport, for a discussion on congestion pricing in practice and what it could hold for New York City in 2018 and beyond.
Jonas Eliasson Director of the Stockholm City Transport Administration
Jon Orcutt Director of Advocacy & Communications, TransitCenter
Event is free and open to the public