Turning Around NJ Transit
Link to archived livestream of the event.
New Jersey Transit needs a turnaround. The third largest transit system in the nation also holds the second-worst record for mechanical failures. Years of devastating funding cuts and service deterioration have drained the agency of expertise and forward progress.
But Governor Murphy has made transit a priority. He increased funding for transit in his Fiscal 2019 budget and brought in new leadership to steer NJ Transit.
After six months in the most difficult job in New Jersey, Kevin Corbett, NJ Transit Executive Director will join TranistCenter and Tri-State Transportation Campaign for a conversation on NJT’s progress and challenges.
Janna Chernetz Deputy Director & Director of New Jersey Policy Tri-State Transportation Campaign
Kevin Corbett Executive Director New Jersey Transit
Introduction will be given by Nick Sifuentes, Executive Director, Tri-State Transportation Campaign
Event is free & open to the public