Where does New York Stand on Congestion Pricing?
Link to archived livestream of the event.
Congestion pricing was not included in New York’s budget this spring. Governor Cuomo has said that we’ve started the process with the new surcharges for yellow taxis and for-hire vehicles (which have not gone into effect yet). Is this really phase one of congestion pricing? Or have we all been subject to an epic head fake by the governor and legislature with little chance of recovery in the near term?
Join TransitCenter for a panel including: a veteran Albany policy and politics expert, Executive Director of the Riders Alliance, and a tenacious NYC transportation reporter to ask “phase one or epic head fake?”
John Casellini, President Ways and Means NY
John Raskin, Executive Director Riders Alliance
Dana Rubinstein, Senior Reporter POLITICO New York
Event is free & open to the public