Managing Transit Equitably - TransitCenter

Managing Transit Equitably

This webinar is hosted by TRB Transit Management and Performance Committee (AP010). TransitCenter’s Research Manager, Mary Buchanan, will present.

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As leaders rethink the role transit plays within their communities, many agencies are looking at whether transit meets the needs of all community members equitably.  This webinar will focus on how transit agencies integrate equity into their organization and better meet the needs of customer groups who may not have had their mobility needs met through traditional transportation planning.  Being able to measure how well transit services are meeting the mobility needs of those most in-need of mobility options is a first step in the process.  In order to do that, agencies need to adopt policies that support efforts to make systemic change. We’ll discuss what’s needed and how we adjust our transit planning to improve mobility for all.


Diane Allen Jones –  Transit Deserts: A Result and Cause of Economic and Social-Cultural Inequity

Mary Buchanan – Processes and Priorities Behind Transit Equity Evaluations

Carrie Cihak & Krisda Chaiyachati –  Becoming a Mobility Agency:  Impact Evaluation of King County Metro’s Fully-Subsidized Transit Pass for Low-income Residents

Stephen Mattingly – Developing Public Transportation Performance Measures for Assessing the Service of Transit Dependent Riders

Anna Gartsman & Alissa Zimmer – Measuring our Values: Equity in Performance Evaluation of the MBTA’s Bus Network Redesign

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Photo credit: Metro Transit