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January 23, 2019
Billions for Transit is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Since 1980, residents of Los Angeles have voted four times to tax themselves to fund transportation projects, including rail lines that were supposed to transform LA into America’s next great transit city. But speculation about the impending liberation of LA from car dependence and congestion is premature, to say the least.

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January 17, 2019
TransitCenter is Hiring!

TransitCenter is seeking qualified candidates for a brand new Director of Advocacy position in its national office, based in New York City.

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January 17, 2019
Transit Data for Whomst?

TransitCenter is pleased to announced the release of the Open Transit Data Toolkit, a series of interactive lessons to teach people how to use open transit data.

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January 9, 2019
Why Decriminalize Fare Evasion?

An increasing number of agencies like San Francisco’s MTA, TriMet in Portland, and Seattle’s King County Metro are ushering a new paradigm by decriminalizing fare evasion and developing equitable fare enforcement strategies.

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January 4, 2019
This Bus Depot Saves Lives: How America’s Biggest Bus Operation is Contributing to Pedestrian Safety

TransitCenter attended a New York City Transit Vision Zero bus operator safety training to learn more about the tactics used to bring down pedestrian fatalities.

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December 19, 2018
Best Worst Most of 2018

Oh 2018, what can we say? On the plus side, there were fewer trains on fire, both literally and metaphorically.

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December 18, 2018
Who Rules Transit? An Interview With New SFMTA Board Member Amanda Eaken

Some relief for San Francisco transit riders may be on the way with the appointment of Amanda Eaken to the SFMTA Board of Directors.

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November 26, 2018
MTA Practice Foils Transparency

Good government and transit groups marshaled by Reinvent Albany are calling for the New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority to overhaul its freedom of information law (FOIL) processes.

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November 20, 2018
What New York Needs to See and Hear About Fixing Transit

New York won’t continue to prosper unless state and city leaders get to work to find the resources for Fast Forward, NYC Transit President Andy Byford’s sweeping plan to modernize New York City’s transit system.

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