Last year's WTS scholarship recipient, Jessica Murray
Every year, TransitCenter funds a scholarship through the New York City chapter of Women’s Transportation Seminars (WTS). The WTS mission is to attract, sustain, connect, and advance women’s careers to strengthen the transportation industry.
The TransitCenter Transit Policy Innovator Graduate Scholarship awards $5,000 each year to a woman pursuing a career in transit planning, policy, or finance, and who has an interest in reforming existing institutions and putting forward original approaches to transit policy and governance.
If this sounds like you, we encourage you to apply!
Last year’s scholarship recipient, Jessica Murray, focuses on accessibility for transit riders with disabilities in her research and advocacy. “Applying for the scholarship helped me to clarify and communicate my career goals, which was more challenging than I expected,” she said, and attending the WTS Gala shed new light on “the leadership roles of women in transportation in the greater New York metropolitan area.”
“The whole process changed my thinking about the possibilities that might exist when I finish my degree. While I’m not sure what will come after I graduate, receiving this scholarship has confirmed my commitment to continue my research and work with local transit agencies, advocacy organizations, and people with disabilities to improve public transportation for all members of our city.”
“This scholarship program is important because it encourages women who are researching transit policy to apply their skills and education to the real world,” she added. “The perspectives of women are essential during a time when transportation agencies are planning for the future, dealing with rapid changes, and adapting to new modes for personal mobility.”
You can apply for the scholarship online. Applications are due Friday, June 14, 2019.

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