Transit Rider Engagement and Transit Policy Momentum
This project aims to capitalize on the momentum gained in the last few years to create a region in which taking transit enables full access to jobs, education, health care, and other needs that ensure the equitable, thriving community that all residents deserve. That means consistently improving access to economic opportunity, reduced travel times, and an ever-more accessible and growing regional transit system.
Transit Justice through Community Organizing
The popular conception of Oregon’s policy environment is one of environmentally-friendly outcomes. Our continued push to link equity and climate resilience to smart transportation investments seeks to harness this popular attitude into real action on behalf of state, regional and local decision-makers. We see a high potential to drive equitable outcomes across policy areas, as well as improve air quality, increase livability for our citizens, and decrease carbon output for the future of our world.
Just Make it Work: Moving Transit Solutions and Policy Forward in Miami-Dade County
Granted $75,000 to Transit Alliance to change the dominant transit narrative in Miami-Dade County by getting city and county officials, as well as local residents back to basics. A campaign educating these groups on exactly how transit works and what successful transit needs will be critical for bringing about more grounded and realistic conversations and action. Likewise, Transit Alliance Miami (TA Miami) seeks to showcase how relatively simple improvements like increased frequency and reliability in bus service can serve more riders and attract ridership, in lieu of exorbitant spending on massive new rail projects.

Getting Boston on Board: Fixing and Expanding Boston’s Bus System
Granted $80,000 to Livable Streets to build a system that matches Boston’s ambition to be a world class city, LivableStreets will:
- Hold the City of Boston accountable, ensuring that it does not lose momentum or backtrack.
- Create a vision for bus service expansion and a pathway for achieving that vision.
- Continue to build a coalition of riders and elected officials who are ready to fight for better bus service.

Back on the Bus: Next Stage
$72,800 granted to push for the policy recommendations they outlined in last year’s report “Back on the Bus: Speeding up Chicago’s Buses,” in order to make sub-standard bus service a political issue and improve bus service in Chicago.

Transit for Nashville: Pedestrian Access and Safety
$65,357 granted to watchdog the city’s Vision Zero and WalknBike plan, which will make pedestrian access to transit a central part of Nashville’s transit debate.

Institutionalizing Creative First/Last Mile Interventions
$75,000 granted to LA-Más to push LA-region agencies to streamline the implementation of creative first/last mile interventions at transit stations and stops and to combat rising pedestrian deaths and sinking transit ridership in the second most populous region in the nation.
Democracy, Equity, and Transit Planning in San Diego
$60,000 to influence the makeup, philosophy and governance of local Community Planning Groups – one of the most influential forces affecting land use and transportation policy in San Diego.
Transforming Transit Data into Knowledge
$67,710 to produce a series of online learning modules to teach advocates, citizens and agency staff how to make meaningful use of open transit data.