New Jersey Transit Bus Reform
We have a moment right now to make real progress on bus reform. Not only is NJ Transit at a moment of transition, but the state and how its residents commute is also rapidly changing, becoming more urbanized and more focused on transit needs. But the only way we’ll get commuters to abandon their personal vehicles is to reform bus operations not only between New Jersey and New York, but within commuter hubs in New Jersey as well. We can play a key role in giving riders a voice on transit issues and advancing substantial improvements to bus service. By launching a bus turnaround-like campaign for New Jersey Transit, Tri-State Transportation Campaign can advocate for allocation of capital and operating funds toward better bus service for NJ Transit.
Building Ridership and Equity from the Ground Up: Pittsburgh’s Riders’ Vision for Public Transit
This year, Pittsburghers for Public Transit is proposing systemic change to PAAC’s process of decision-making, by insisting that riders, bus operators and other stakeholders be collaborators from the start. We are using the Port Authority’s RFP for a mobile fare payment app as a test case, by putting forward rider suggestions for the RFP and insisting that riders be part of the selection body to determine the most effective and equitable transit fare app. This dovetails with our larger fare equity campaign, as our existing fare payment systems have limitations that disproportionately penalize low-income riders and families that the mobile fare payment app could help address. In addition, with our greater set of campaign planks laid out in our Riders’ Vision for Public Transit, we are calling on the Port Authority to collaborate with riders on tangible improvements to the system, including extending our dedicated busway network, linking transit policy with affordable housing policy, and implementing free transfers and fare capping.
30x30 Rider Network: Redefining Rapid, Bringing the City Together
SFTR will to take advantage of the current climate in SF to propose a 30×30 Rider Network. This project will have riders redefine what rapid Muni service means. With this 30x30R campaign, SFTR will demonstrate the potential of a network of rapid transit lines that would truly tie the districts together into one accessible city; rapid lines that can be traveled end-to-end in 30 minutes by the year 2030.
Back on the Bus/Fair Fares Chicago
Granted $105,000 to Active Transportation Alliance for the third year of their “Back on the Bus” bus advocacy campaign in Chicago.
Advocacy for Charlotte's Bus Network Redesign
$100,000 granted to organize residents to advocate for more frequent service as the Charlotte Area Transit Authority undertakes the largest change to the city’s bus network.
Safe Routes to Transit: New Strategies to Connect Transit and Pedestrian Advocacy
$120,000 granted for a joint effort by Walk San Francisco and the San Francisco Transit Riders Union to a build a stronger and more organized political constituency in favor of transit- and pedestrian-priority street projects in San Francisco.
Nola Transit Rider Activate and Engagement
$120,000 granted to build and mobilize grassroots support for transit investments that serve the majority of the city’s transit riders. In 2018, they will watchdog implementation of the RTA’s new strategic plan, campaign for immediate improvements that riders prioritize, and advocate for agency accountability and reform.

Speeding Up Chicago’s Buses
$150,000 to work with the Chicago Transit Authority and city on practical strategies for system-wide bus service improvements.
“We are thrilled to be partnering with TransitCenter because they’re a national leader in public transit advocacy and provide valuable insight into what’s being done around the country.”– ATA Executive Director Ron Burke
New York City’s Transit Advocacy Gap: Engaging Employers and Workers for Systemic Change
$100,000 to produce and disseminate an analysis on transit challenges of New York City’s healthcare workers and engage healthcare sector leaders in transit advocacy.